The webinterface of the VMware vCenter Server Appliance shows the following warning message:
The /storage/xxx filesystem is low on disk space or inodes
- Check the free space of the vCSA using SSH and the command df –h.
- See VMware KB article for explanation about which VMDK is used for corresponding mount points (or see below)
- Increase the disk size of the corresponding VMDK file.
- Restart your vCSA or run the following commands using SSH:
shell.set --enabled true vpxd_servicecfg storage lvm autogrow
Table of VMDKS for vSCA
VMDK1 | 12GB | / (10GB) /boot (132MB) SWAP (1GB) |
Boot directory where the kernel images and boot load configurations go |
VMDK2 | 1.3GB | /tmp | Temporary directory used to store temporary files generated or used by services from vCenter Server |
VMDK3 | 25GB | SWAP | Swap directory used when the system is out of memory to swap to disk |
VMDK4 | 25GB | /storage/core | Core directory where core dumps from VPXD process from the vCenter Server are stored, |
VMDK5 | 10GB | /storage/log | Log directory where vCenter Server stores all logs for the environment |
VMDK6 | 10GB | /storage/db | VMware Postgres database storage location |
VMDK7 | 5GB | /storage/dblog | VMware Postgres database logging location |
VMDK8 | 10GB | /storage/seat | Stats, Events and Tasks (SEAT) directory for VMware Postgres |
VMDK9 | 1GB | /storage/netdump | VMware Netdump collector repository that stores ESXi dumps |
VMDK10 | 10GB | /storage/autodeploy | VMware Auto Deploy repository that stores the thinpackages used for stateless booting of ESXi hosts. |
VMDK11 | 5GB | /storage/invsvc | VMware Inventory Service directory where the xDB, Inventory Service bootstrap configuration file, and tomcat configuration files reside. |