Zabbbix Database is Down

Quick one for notes…when i get a consistent Zabbix Database is down error this gets it back up and running for me – # mysqlq -p (login with root password) mysql> show databases; (just lists the databases on the server) mysql> use zabbix; (if zabbix is your live db) mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE history; mysql> TRUNCATE Read more about Zabbbix Database is Down[…]

VMWare Monitoring in Zabbix

Ive pulled together information from a few places to get something that worked for me together so here goes…. Our setup is Zabbix 3 and ESXi 6. Any questions just give me a shout… 1. on the ESXi hosts, enable SNMP: – esxcli system snmp set -r – esxcli system snmp set -c your-community-string – esxcli Read more about VMWare Monitoring in Zabbix[…]

Monitoring MySQL with Zabbix

taken from – How To Setup MySQL Enterprise Monitoring with Zabbix 1 Reply This article is NOT about how to setup the application called MySQL Enterprise Monitor but rather how to setup MySQL monitoring in your Zabbix Enterprise Monitoring software. Zabbix is fucking nice and gives a lot of functionality that you normally have to Read more about Monitoring MySQL with Zabbix[…]

Monitoring Windows Updates Zabbix

The following VB script has the ability to check last time Windows update was run, the number of priority updates, the number of total updates (sum of optional and priority), as well as a listing of available updates. Note that the script can take a few seconds to run for all but checking the time Read more about Monitoring Windows Updates Zabbix[…]

Install Zabbix Agent on Suse Linux and Configure

Install taken from Suse – For SLE 12 SP1 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install zabbix-agent For SLE 12 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install zabbix-agent For SLE 11 SP4 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install zabbix-agent For SLE 11 SP3 run the following Read more about Install Zabbix Agent on Suse Linux and Configure[…]