How to add additional swap area in SuSe/openSUSE

swap space is a dedicated device or a file in one of the mounted file systems to which the system swaps pages of information from the physical memory onto these areas to allow more current application use the physical memory when the physical memory is running out of space. Let us see here how we Read more about How to add additional swap area in SuSe/openSUSE[…]

JournalCTL – where have my logs gone?

When looking for my postfix logs on a new openSUSE install i noticed the file was missing… Quick look around and its all moved to journalctl.   If you want to see your postfix logs off the bat use the following : journalctl -u postfix If you want your old logs back do the following Read more about JournalCTL – where have my logs gone?[…]

Install Open VM Tools (Vmware Tools) on Suse Linux

To install on Suse Linux Enterprise (SLE) For SLE 12 SP1 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install open-vm-tools For SLE 12 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install open-vm-tools For SLE 11 SP4 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install open-vm-tools For SLE 11 SP3 run Read more about Install Open VM Tools (Vmware Tools) on Suse Linux[…]