Resizing a SUSE Linux Disk when running on VMWare

Obviously i wont go into the Vmware bit as that’s straight forward – So connect to the server then do the following : su echo 1 > /sys/block/sdX/device/rescan (replace the sdX with sda if thats your disk) You can check this has worked running fdisk -l Then this is where i cheat a bit as i Read more about Resizing a SUSE Linux Disk when running on VMWare[…]

JournalCTL – where have my logs gone?

When looking for my postfix logs on a new openSUSE install i noticed the file was missing… Quick look around and its all moved to journalctl.   If you want to see your postfix logs off the bat use the following : journalctl -u postfix If you want your old logs back do the following Read more about JournalCTL – where have my logs gone?[…]

Install Open VM Tools (Vmware Tools) on Suse Linux

To install on Suse Linux Enterprise (SLE) For SLE 12 SP1 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install open-vm-tools For SLE 12 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install open-vm-tools For SLE 11 SP4 run the following as root: zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install open-vm-tools For SLE 11 SP3 run Read more about Install Open VM Tools (Vmware Tools) on Suse Linux[…]

ESET Era Virtual Appliance – Losing Client Connections

Again another quick post more for my notes than anything, had a few issues with the ESET ERA 6 Appliance losing connections from the clients, basically the clients connection time goes over the policy you have set. A restart of the appliance gets it up and running for so long but then it will happen Read more about ESET Era Virtual Appliance – Losing Client Connections[…]

Configure Time – CentOS Linux

Procedure: Setup NTPD on CentOS Linux Open the terminal or login over the ssh session. You must login as as the root user. Type the following yum command to install ntp # yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc Turn on service, enter: # chkconfig ntpd on Synchronize the system clock with server (use this command Read more about Configure Time – CentOS Linux[…]