Monitoring MySQL with Zabbix

taken from – How To Setup MySQL Enterprise Monitoring with Zabbix 1 Reply This article is NOT about how to setup the application called MySQL Enterprise Monitor but rather how to setup MySQL monitoring in your Zabbix Enterprise Monitoring software. Zabbix is fucking nice and gives a lot of functionality that you normally have to Read more about Monitoring MySQL with Zabbix[…]

ASA5505 Cisco Anyconnect How To

The ASA does offer a wizard, but the wizard doesn’t actually cover everything you need to do and can sometimes be a bit confusing on what it’s asking for. There are basically four parts to this: setting up your SSL certificate, configuring the VPN, then setting up the proper NAT rules, and split-tunneling if you Read more about ASA5505 Cisco Anyconnect How To[…]

Monitoring Windows Updates Zabbix

The following VB script has the ability to check last time Windows update was run, the number of priority updates, the number of total updates (sum of optional and priority), as well as a listing of available updates. Note that the script can take a few seconds to run for all but checking the time Read more about Monitoring Windows Updates Zabbix[…]